Keff Sydney is an Israeli dancing not-for-profit community group that is passionate about Israeli dance and music. Keff offers classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. We dance in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Below, you can see a few videos of Israeli dancing at Gordon Beach, Tel Aviv. We learn these and many other dances that are danced around the world, which gives us the opportunity to join Israeli dance sessions anywhere in Australia or overseas.

Gordon Beach                 

Tel Aviv

Hora Gesher

Malkat Hachatunot

I’m not your toy – Line

Seret Shachor Lavan

If you would like to join one of our classes

see our Class page at 

Keff Sydney Classes page at

Eastern Suburbs locations

Please contact us for more details:

or sms Keff on WhatsApp
Sara +61401681562
Erica +61416718829